Fiction Art

Dance of the Cygnets


The girls here choreograph as though with spontaneity.  I think they have individuality so thought it was a success. After hearing the radio play the Tchaikovsky Opera I realised the dance belonged to it and saw how it was a catchy freefrom tune from ending with jumps at each eigth beat of 2/2 so pretty frequent . We all assume ballerinas can pirouette and jump in the splits. They don’t need a partner in their way with such alot of athletic moving and once they feel the music can literally chat as much as their enthusiasm wants. They could easily be more equal and less formal than expected when the prima ballerina traditionally has a love affair with cheerleaders. Older guys without children  may understand. We see girls and don’t raise them so probably like to see the wild side.

The DuelThe duel

The weather is good, the venue is steep, a magnificent opportunity for all takers to enter this speed climbing contest. There’s not alot in it between these three here. Caught on camera and since they were knackered and really climbing slower than I would they are also caught on canvas. (2012)

I was quite ill this winter but maybe it was planned. Alot of pain forced a wee break to paint and be shy at home.

The path outside

The path outside

Rolling hills and human settlement yet not without priority to the shape of the landscape. A lucky place to meet a friend and take a breather. There may be houses but it is a long way to get home.  (2017)

Could houses spring up like this in such a landscape I don’t know. It seems impractical, but it is about what we learn to appreciate as kids that helps set up our work ability to split tasks without being up against it all. Perhaps several generations wanted to live here and got on with it.

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About/Home-Bright Calm Illustrations  

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I am a crazy dude living safely as I can, sociable and caring which makes for the natural tendency to make art since here things can be made as I want them and keep a big chunk of me time to reflect and not get lost in commitments. A job painting or guiding would be nice, look at the portraits and see where that takes you. For me to make an imagined discussed scene breathe onto the paper... In the history of humans, legs and crafts are major engines easily underestimated today. Pictures and art is an area of work as much as talent for us. It is natural and set aside at risk of things we are less naturally talented at. The vehicle of carriage, oursleves, our legs can do a daily schedule with less servicing than cars yet we are moving away from this.

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